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Lithuania lies in the northeast of Europe. It’s not a particularly large country — it’ll take about four hours to traverse the country in each direction — but has plenty to offer.

So, why should you go to Lithuania? Because of its cordial people, baroque and wooden architecture, unique traditions and culture, green and flat landscape, and the wonderful local cuisine.

Back to the woods, back to the roots

And what is so special about Southern Lithuania, specifically? For one, it’s called the green lung of Lithuania because it’s home to the country’s biggest pinewood area. The landscape is dotted with radiant blue lakes and traversed by the country’s main river, the Nemunas.

Here in the woods, you can find thousands of birds in the oldest bird reserve of Žuvintas Lake. The pinewoods are rich in juniper, berries and mushrooms. Old traditions, like hollow beekeeping and the UNESCO-listed cross crafting, are very much alive here. The region is characterised by its wooden architecture and the cosy streets of its mineral springs resorts. The local cuisine is simple but tasty; the local artists are extremely creative.

The Alytus, Birštonas and Druskininkai municipalities are proud to be home to the Dzūkija National Park (the biggest one in the country), the Biosphere Reserve of Lake Žuvintas (the oldest one in the country), and two Regional Parks (the Nemunas Loops and Lake Meteliai). 

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Bookable Slow Trips experiences

Take your time and browse through our Slow Trips experiences in the Alytus Region

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Everyday culture in the Alytus region

Stroll through pinewoods as they smell so nice. Gather berries as they are so sweet. Pick mushrooms as they are so colourful. Fish in lakes and rivers as they are so abundant in their treasures. Taste the mineral water as it’s so wonderfully salty. And meet the local people to learn more about hollow-tree beekeeping or how to survive on the sandy pinewood dunes.

Dive into the wilderness

Explore the untouched nature in Lithuania’s national and regional parks.

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Dive into the wilderness

Lithuania has a lot to offer when it comes to experiencing nature. There’s the Dzūkija National Park, the Biosphere Reserve of Lake Žuvintas, the Nemunas Loops Park and Lake Meteliai.

Dzūkija National Park is the largest protected area in Lithuania and consists mainly of pine forests. It’s famous for its authentic wooden villages and hollow beekeeping traditions. The people here are still connected to the land, gathering mushrooms and picking wild berries. Žuvintas Lake is a paradise for birds, and Meteliai Park is famous for its European pond turtles, which the locals call “iron frogs”. The Nemunas Loops Park is famous for its river loops and mineral waters.

Visitors can get all the information they need from the parks’ visitor centres.

Alytus — Town of the White Rose

Famous for its pedestrian and bicycle paths and the highest pedestrian bridge in Lithuania.

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Alytus — Town of the White Rose

Alytus is the capital of the Dzūkija ethno-region, which is located in the south and south-east of Lithuania. At the beginning of the 20th century, the town used to be a resort amidst pinewoods, with rose gardens and fountains. Today, the city is famous for its pedestrians and bicycle paths and the highest pedestrian bridge in Lithuania. The White Rose Bridge joins the two banks of the River Nemunas, which bisects Alytus.

The Alytus region is rich in natural treasures, crafts and culinary heritage, influenced by the Tatars who settled here in the 14th century. You can taste the exceptional Tatar cuisine or visit their wooden mosque.

Alytus region tourism information: www.alytusinfo.lt

Salt air, jazz music and hot air balloons

Birštonas is famous for its salty mineral springs, Kneipp philosophy-based parks and two unique towers.

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Salt air, jazz music and hot air balloons

The small, cosy mineral water resort Birštonas is surrounded by the Great Nemunas Loop. It’s famous for its salty mineral water, Kneipp philosophy-based parks and two unique towers. One of them is the country’s only salt graduation tower, which lights up colourfully in the dark. The other one is Lithuania’s highest observation tower — perfect for admiring the Nemunas Loop.

Birštonas is a mecca for jazz lovers and hot air balloonists. The region is proud of the unique wooden Nemajūnai church architecture, the picturesque landscape, and its creative people, such as the very special angel carver Rimantė, who leads a hermit-style life.

Salty traditions

Dive into the open-air wellness park with its various spa and sports facilities or submerge yourself in the pine forest.

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Salty traditions

Druskininkai is the oldest mineral springs resort in the country, dating back to the 18th century. Scientists say that mineral water springs appeared here because of the meteorite crash millions of years ago. Old healing traditions based on salt and mineral waters are still in use here today.

The hundreds of hectares of pinewood around Druskininkai attract mushroom and berry pickers. And just several kilometres away from the town centre, you can admire monk mummies at the old monastery museum and explore the world of wooden statues at the Česnulis Sculpture & Leisure Park. At Grūtas Park, you can time travel and discover dismantled monuments and sculptures from the Soviet period.

Druskininkai region tourism information: druskininkai.lt

Come and meet the cordial locals

The Namunas valley is inhabited by incredibly creative people, who are happy to share their lifestyle and philosophy with you, representing our country, nation, traditions and culture.

Discover the magic world of the Salt Kings and make Your own salt ceramics. Become a farmer and learn to make cheese, seabuckthorn berries syrup or juice. Ride an old school car or motorbike and sleep in the trees. Feel the power of conifers and become an alchemist of scents. Drink coffee and carve wood with a sculptor or stroll in the herbal garden and find out how to make tea on a blacksmith's forge. Become a warrior of the ancient Yotvingian tribe and find out the secrects of surviving in wild nature. Relax in the village, stroll in the swamp and find out the secrets of mushrooming in the forests.

Visit the websites of the Nemunas Valley locals and come to meet them!

Salt Art Studiowww.druskosstudija.lt
Gear of the Past  www.praeitiespavara.lt
Good Proverb  www.facebook.com/GeraPatarle2
Augai farm www.facebook.com/AuguUkis/
Sea Buckthorn Farm „Amberry“  https://amberry.lt
Leisure Therapy www.facebook.com/AndriusLikArt
Mill Smithy www.facebook.com/MalunoKalve
Sons of Yotva www.facebook.com/jotvossunus

For further information about our lovely destination, please also check our websites:

Alytus Tourism Information Centre  www.alytusinfo.lt/en/
Birštonas Tourism Information Centre  www.visitbirstonas.lt/en/
Druskininkai Tourism Information Centre  https://druskininkai.lt/en/
More about Lithuania  www.lithuania.travel/en
Intercity Bus Tickets  www.autobusubilietai.lt/en